Mario Chamie

Mário Chamie was born in Cajobi,SP on April 1st, 1933. He is a Brazilian writer. He also graduated from São Paulo's University Law School. He was SP city's Cultural affairs secretary. He created Municipal Art Gallery of São Paulo, São Paulo City's Museum and São Paulo Cultural Center.

Poem by Mario Chamie

With his book Lavra Lavra (1962) he created the "praxis-poem". Mário Chamie is a very important name in the history of avant-guarde movements of the late 1950's, dissenting from concretism and creating "praxis-poem". He has more than 140 published works and he has been translated in more than 57 languages. He was a guest professor in several universities around the world. like Harvard, where he taught Jim Morrison, vocalist of The Doors, with whom he maintained correspondence for awhile.


  • 1955 - Espaço Inaugural
  • 1957 - O Lugar
  • 1958 - Os Rodízios
  • 1962 - Lavra Lavra
  • 1963 - Now Tomorrow Mau
  • 1967 - Indústria
  • 1974 - Planoplenário
  • 1977 - Objeto Selvagem
  • 1978 - Sábado na Hora da Escuta
  • 1986 - A Quinta Parede
  • 1993 - Natureza da Coisa
  • 1998 - Caravana Contrária
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